A game that you will never forget! Just AMAZING!
Graphics: 9/10 For a game of this category,the graphics are great.The cell-shaded graphics make the characters look very nice...yet,they are very cartoon-ish.The auras are so good looking that you will probably never be bored of watching them,especially when they are intense.The beam attacks also look good.The background of the stages is the awesomest part in this game when it comes to graphics.The backgrounds on stages look really nice since they are 3D and the detail is amazing.They trully look like stages from a comic book that just became real.For example,on the Supreme Kai world stage,you can see the river in the background with flawing water.The only thing I don't like about the graphics is the fact that in some auras like the Super Saiyan 2 aura,the lightning is yellow whereas it should have been blue,but it's not big deal,so overall the graphics are very good.
Soundtrack: 9/10 The soundtrack used in the game partly comes from previous instalments in the series but many tracks are new.But the music is good and it fits the fighting.
Gameplay:9.5/10 What this game does very well is fighting.It is so fast paced and intense that it will even please non-DBZ fans.You can chain physical attacks with "Death-Moves"(aka beam attacks) to cause damage to your opponent and at the same time,make almost sure that the beam attack will connect to hurt your opponent...Now you will probably wonder why I said "almost sure".Well,here's the answer: If you have enough ki (energy used for beam attacks,normal blasts for ultimates and...),you can teleport right behind your opponent and hit him,to interrupt his combo at any time,hurt him and, if you are playing in the World Tournament stage,knock him out of the ring to win.During a fight,you can go into Hyper Mode to gain a temporary attack and defence boost and make yourself harder to knock back.During Hyper Mode,your Ki gauge will be rapidly drained and when it's empty,you will be transformed back to your normal state and your character will be tired and you will have to quickly turn your analog stick in order to make your character recover.Your opponent will have a chance to hit you while you are "tired".While in Hyper Mode,you can use your Ultimate attack and the Dragon Rush. The Dragon Rush is like a Rock-Paper-Scissors game.You can deal damage to your opponent if you press a button your opponent won't guess correctly.If your opponent guesses correctly,he might also inflict damage to you or just cancel out the Dragon Rush all depending on which turn he guessed your button right (the dragon rush goes though 3 phases/button guesses). I could spend a whole review just reviewing this game's fighting awesomeness but I should move on.
Replayability: 9.5/10
I've had this game for a few years and I've still not got bored of it.I found myself going back to this game constantly.It very good game the you will very often play,even after you finish it.
Content: First of all,this game takes a while to finish.You have to finish the story mode with all characters multiple times (sometimes 4 or 5 times with Goku or Vegeta to unlock other characters and abilities).There's also a Tournament mode in which you participate in a tournament to earn money,a practice mode of course and a duel mode, in which you can choose any fighter you want and fight against anyone you want with as much health as want as whatever skills(abilities) you want. Sounds nice doesn't it? It is nice.
Now the most important game mode,except for Tournament is Dragon Arena.It's a made in which you have to fight many characters with a variety of levels while you are leveling up your own character.In this mode,you'll also unlock a few stuff such as skills to earn more money in Tournament and a few minor characters.All in all there's a lot of content.
DBZ game review parts:
Story: 8.5/10 The Story is good.It might skip a few parts and fights but the most important are all there.The story mode is interesting.You have to fly around,go to your missions,and look for items and secret fights you can get.The good thing is that you can actually make your "own" story.You can,for example,fight SSJ Vegeta and Cooler instead of Freeza when playing Goku's Story the second time (or third,fourth etc).To be honest,I love the Story Mode in this game.It's very cool to fly around the planet really.
Characters: 8/10 All of the important good and bad guys from a DBZ,a few good guys from DB and SS4 Goku,Vegeta and Gogeta and Omega Shenron from DBGT.A good roster,but it could have been better.
Attacks and abilities: 9/10 Not bad at all.There's all of the good old finishers that were seen in the anime. There's enough good Death-Moves and the Ultimate Moves are just what you will remember from this game for the rest of your life...cause they really look like ultimates. The make the entire planet explode and they look sick and huge(most of them).They just capture the feeling of the two words "Ultimate Move".There aren't many moves missing(if there are any moves missing at all).
Only bad thing in the game:The shop.It'll piss you off...Why can't there just be every item there from the beginning.You can't buy any item from there for any player right away.Instead you have to exit the shop and enter again all the time to get the item you want to buy.In order to buy some items you have to find or purchase membership cards(there's three of them and they can easily be found in Story Mode).To buy some ultimates you have to unlock all characters first.Irritating,I know.
Overall: 9.0
It's sick...There's nothing more to say about this game.The fighting awesome,the story is very good,the music is also great and there's a lot of content.Everything is amazing.Nothing really bad about this game.And the best part is that even non DBZ fans will love it!So,if you're a DBZ fan,you must definately own a copy of this.If you're not,you should at least check this game out.