Keywords – adrenaline; explosions; perspiration; rock music; social gatherings; ultimate laughs
Being a fan of Dragonball Z since high school, I could shield Budokai: HD from any negativity faster than Goku’s Instant Transmission travel technique. Ok, maybe not quite, but nearly as fast as Majin Buu at a buffet. If you understood that terminology then you will revel in my assessment of Budokai: HD. If you thought anything comparable to “what the heck is this guy on?”, then allow me just one opportunity in providing positive reinforcement to your journey of enjoying Budokai: HD.
With that being said, you are aware that I could generally favour this game as a fan. However, I am here to provide an honest overview of how Budokai: HD can appeal to large community of gamers when given a chance.
Having purchased this game for £17.99, I was intent of reliving the great memories of Budokai 1 and 3 over a decade ago. As with most nostalgic games, they are seen with ‘rose-tinted’ glasses, meaning an over-exaggeration of its awesomeness. In the case of Budokai: HD, I was prepared for this and instantly raised my defences in facing a possible disappointment.
So let’s clarify the negative issues before I demonstrate my love for this fantastic, colourful ‘explode ‘em up’. Originally on PS2, there were intense over-the-top guitar riffs that charged your adrenaline beyond a normal human’s limit while playing. The most notable issue with Budokai: HD is the complete change of soundtrack courtesy of a certain artist ripping off a handful of songs for the OST – who, in my opinion, did a supreme job of. These are replaced with toned down tunes, which are adequate, but not to the level of previous. For a re-release of a game that originally contained only local multiplayer, there has been no implementation of an online fighting system… what a missed opportunity! The main story mode, ‘Dragon Universe’, allows you to control a variety of characters through the main story of Dragonball Z which includes a ton of intense battles and goodies to unlock. However, once you’ve played one character, be prepared for déjà vu in the story layout.
Let’s recap so far – no online system; tarnished soundtrack; repetitive story mode. Surely, these are important factors for modern day gaming, wouldn’t you agree? So why do I consider this a game for a large community of gamers? Simple. No matter where you are on Planet Earth, if you picked up a gamepad and played another person on Budokai: HD, you are going to feel like you’re doing something right with every press of a button. Whether you are a skilled veteran or an inexperienced ‘button-masher’, then the characters’ actions on the screen are ALWAYS going to make you look like you are a ‘Golden God’. And believe me, on this game there is a character for EVERYONE.
Sure, this game isn’t going to compete with the 5-star titles on the market due to low variety of content and cell-shaded image. Nor does it want to. This is in another genre of entertainment – for the fun memorable moments you can experience without being forced through hours of unworthy missions. Instead, a victory on this game stays with you forever – especially with friends. Isn’t it the simplicity and feel good moments that makes games fun? If you are someone that consistently hooks up locally with other gamers, then I strongly recommend Budokai: HD to be THAT game you have on in the background to showcase your pride and power through a range of exploding uppercuts in a tournament with your friends.
Bandai can be praised in re-releasing Budokai: HD with a successful HD adaptation for the newer generation. The two games included will provide hours of enjoyment in unlocking all the ‘power-ups’ but its greatest asset lies in the simplicity of gameplay – especially with others. The main reason why I still enjoy Budokai 1 and 3 after all these years is because there hasn’t been much else like them on the market that fit my needs of “play and feel good”. If you are into beat ‘em ups, challenge yourself with it. If you have no clue what Dragonball Z is, or are too far drawn into your FPS and MMO games, then try ordering a few pizzas and beers with friends and dish it out that way. Don’t worry, the intensity of this game WILL make you sweat out those calories - just be sure to warn your friends in bringing a spare change of clothes around before you’re both down to your underpants and about to shout “KAMEHAMEHA!”.
3.5/5 Gold Wigs