Its the best and most complete Dragonball Z game ever.....

User Rating: 10 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 PS2
Its alot better then tenkaichi 1 .It looks like it has alot from tenkaichi 1 but
if you play it and go deeper in the game you will find out its alot different.

The best new things in the game :
- Transformation - each has his own skills,transformations dont drain energy,can undo the transformation anytime.

- New melee system - The melee have been improved the previous
game tenkaichi 1 it all depended on the skills beams,energy balls....
now : skills are still very effective but harder to use,melee damage ingreased,more melee abilitys,powerfull punches at will,normal energy blast ingreased damage also.

- switch characters -you can now switch characters in battle or automatic switch when one character is dead.there's a special bar together with a picture of your second char. if the bar is ful you can switch chars at will.
second chars are also used to fuse(combining 2 chars in one powerfull character).

Game expeirence :
at first i liked the new transformations.But when i fought the melee system
suprised me it has been improved alot better then before.You can do combos in all sort of ways and what suprised me even more.At tenkaichi 1 max was almost used for the ultimate attack but in this part you can do so much more with it.You become almost imortal when reaching maxed power(sparking mode). Short summarie :
the game is great and surtenly worth to has been improved so much from the last part.My opinion tenkaichi is the best 2 player game ever.... And for me its the best game ever no one except maybe a other part wil be a better game then " Tenkaichi 2/Sparking Neo ".Thats why i give all my points to this game its surtenly worth a ten...

Many thanks, Zendara/Kaiashu.