By far the BEST DBZ game
bored quickly and even when your done with the story mode
There are so many characters to play with (120+)this game should keep you busy for some time.
I'd have to say my favorite additions to this game are the teleport combo also seems the teleport dodge has been improved.
which makes the fighting seem much more fast pace making it seem more
like the anime. The other being the Tag Battle which you can have up to
5 vs 5 .
The graphics are much better in this one for instance you can see the characters hair blowing backward when shooting off a blast I think the biggest change in the graphics are the area's which are very nice to look at
also the area's are a bit bigger then in the previous game
The music in the game is more upbeat unlike the past games
where most of the music didn't seem to belong in a fighting game.
The sound and voices are good like always
Also you can now transform in battle
Which should please some players that were turned off by BT1's lack of that.
Well I could keep going on but I say just go pick up the game yourself if you enjoyed any of the past DBZ games you'll love this one.