DragonBallZ: Budokai Tenkaichi is a great fighting game that is successfull in using behind the back view.
Although the game was originally made for the PS2, the Wii controls are pretty solid. Once you get used to the, they aren't that clunky after all (That's right, Gamespot!). In the end it seems like it was made for the Wii rather than the PS2, actually.
But let's get to the graphics. Although the graphics are not the best aspect of the game, they are pretty solid. The environments look pretty spot on, and the character models look pretty cool. Nothing too impressive though, and the game lags a lot sometimes. The gameplay is just plain fun. Moves AND even special moves are easy to perform, and the wii controls add even more to enjoy. Facing your friends gets more and more fun as you learn new techiques and gain new characters.
The story mode is nice, although they could have done a little better on retelling the story. Also, there could have been more full-length cutscenes for a more cinematic feel, I think. Otherwise, the dueling, tournament and other modes are nice.
Overall, DBZ: BT2 is a "just plain fun" game that most people can enjoy, even if they don't know much about DBZ. Great game, and can't wait for the next one in November!