Another improvment on the same old formula...

User Rating: 8.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 PS2
I almost didn't get budokai tenkaichi 2 as the dragonball z games i found were now getting very same-ish and a little dull. However, once i did get this game i wasn't dissapointed, the inclusion of so many new characters really made this purchase worthwhile. Some of my favorite characters had been added such as Tapion and Turles. The story felt much more inhanced than before, immersing you more into the dbz universe than ever before...i was always a fan of the free roming environments, as seen in dbz budokai 3. I can't actually think of anything i didn't like about this game. This game really brought me back into the series and after this i wouldn't be suprised if i got dbz budokai tenkaichi 3...but the only question would be...on what platform??