One of the Best DBZ games, but not without its faults.
Ultimate Battle Z (Korin) uses a system where you select a type of battle and work your way up a pillar. Every pillar is different with its own theme and condition. Once you beat a pillar you earn a score, items and more pillars.
Duelling mode (SS Trunks Sword) is one of the best, with the standard P1 vs. Com, P1 vs. P2, Com vs. Com. However in each of these you are able to select a Single Battle (1 Vs. 1), a Tag Battle (2 vs. 2) or Free Battle (5 vs. 5). You may also customise your duels by changing the allocated time, the different referee voices, and changing the Transformations on or off.
The Training mode (Vegeta and Bulma) can seem like a lot to sit through but it's necessary in order to fully enjoy the game. Practice mode is like a ever-ending Single battle – you can punch, kick, blast and slice 'till your hearts content, neither of you will die.
There is (as always) a shop (Baba), and options menu (camera, sound, change to original Japanese voices etc. (Chi-Chi)) along with a Data Centre (manage your 'custom' characters (Bulma)) and an Item Fusion menu (King Kai). Item Fusion can be confusing. It's the only way to unlock most characters and items. You need the two required items as well as Z Item-Fusion items. King Kai telling you that "you lack the item fusion numbers" doesn't help at all. There is also an Encyclopaedia (Videl) of characters.
As said in-game transformations have returned (THANK GOD!!!) and fusions can also be performed, but only if you are partnered with the correct character. Every character's signature move is included (Kamehameha, Final Flash, Destcucto Disc, Tri Beam, Death Ball etc.) however some characters have the exact same attacks – just under different names, like Android 17 and SS Gohan Teen. It is very annoying to see the same attack again and again.
Another, very small, problem is the character clothing. Most characters have 'pallete-swaps' and not alternate clothing. Goku has a total of 6 different outfits, however they are all based on his orange gi and while I like all of them, they could have included at least two more (his Yardrat outfit and the blue gi (his "GT outfit")). Some alternate clothing options are quite good and logical (eg. Krillin – his normal "Kame" gi, his Saiyan Armour and from the Buu Saga, and Master Roshi – normal and as Jackie Chun). It's also annoying that when you are choosing the outfits, you can't see them! So unless you've played the game several times before, you don't know what you're choosing!
Despite the huge amount of characters to play as there are still obvious characters that are missing. You can not advertise a game as going through the complete DBZ – DBGT stories if there are characters missing. Just a few examples are GT Kid Goku, Demon King Piccolo (if your going to include General Tao at least include DK Piccolo!) and The Shadow dragons (at least Nuova and Eis Shenron). Also transformations from previous "Budokai" games would be welcome as well, such as Krillin and Gohan Kid 's "Unlock Potential" and Piccolo's "Sync with Nail" and "Fusion with Kami". HOWEVER despite the fact that I have just spent two to three paragraphs complaining, I still think that this is the best Dragon Ball Z game to date and I can't wait to see the third instalment (fingers crossed)! Oh and, I felt that I should mention that I don't appreciate the fact that the Wii version gets an extra fighting arena and SIX more characters!
Thank you.