The game has improved...a LOT!
The gameplay has improved from the first one. There are better hand to hand combos and it's almost impossible to spam energy beams now. Energy attacks look better and the controls haven't changed. Also, in-game transformations are avaliable and flying around the map is back. The only problem is that the Al is too easy. 9/10
Backgrounds have looked better and health bars have changed completly from the first one. The cel-shaded graphics in Tenkaichi 2 have been improved and energy beams look really cool. Cutscenes also look nice and so do charcater models. 9/10
The soundtrack is better because there is batter background music. Sound effects are the same but it's nothing to worry about. The only thing I wished was that they used Anime music. 9/10
This is worth getting for DBZ and fighting game fans. People might get Tenkaichi 3 instead but I like them both the same. The only problem is that it's too short. 9/10
Overall, this was a great improvement from the original. It can hard to tell if this tenkaichi or tenakichi 3 was better. 9/10