The best so far
The game has the best graphics in the Budokai series and the sound was sensational, with game play that had the fastest pace I have seen in a just plain beat them up.
The gameplay is also enhanced with the ability to charge up beam attacks and the tag system.
Now I could go on all day just describing how goodI think it was but unfortunatly it does have it's down sides like, once you are on the receiving end, you are mashing buttons for a good five minutes before you even manage to get up again, even at that they might just knock you back down again.
To my count that would be the main down side with a minor annoyance would be that the leveling system could use some work. Mabye if you leveled up the character not an item you brought for them.
There are only there other down side to this game: they took out the power levels and from turning super sayan to going second form they are all basicly the same and feel crap. Besides them the story mode is repetitive and nowhere near detailed enough and is far to short. all in all the good sides of this game far out way the bad, the game has awesome gameplay and does appeal to more than dragonball z fans, it is a fun beat em up game and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a fast paced beat em up game.