Wow, how did I miss this game?
First of all, there's a TON of characters in this game. The box says over 150, and you have to give some of those being SSJ versions of characters, BUT STILL, compared to Burst Limit's 20 or so base characters, this game blows it away as far as roster. I was extremely familiar with DBZ and somewhat with DB but there are still some characters included in here who I'm just like "who was that?" Hell, they even have the original Gohan who was quite possibly the most obscure character to ad to the roster. That is how extensive the roster is.
Gameplay wise, I was iffy on it due to the camera angle that is sorta over the shoulder, but really it gives a better Dragon Ball feel than Burst Limit. You knock people farther and fly around faster. The fighting system is a bit complicated, but it's not really deep if you get what I mean. I haven't bothered with using the motion controls and don't intend to, a gamecube or classic controller will do just fine.
Look wise, it doesn't have HD graphics of Burst Limit nor do I think it supports widescreen, but nevertheless the game looks good. The graphics are a nice cell shade and the effects are flashy enough for DBZ. Once again Akira Toriyama's designs translate very well to 3D.
It can take some getting used to, but I'm sure that any Dragon Ball/Z/GT fan can get into this game. It's just good old fashion fun.