Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is a great fast-paced fighter for the wii!
Graphics: For the Wii, I would say that its good. Not the best but certainly not the worst. The characters look fine and the attacks look good or great depended on the character. The stages look nice and represent the show fairly well. One last thing, for the first time in DBZ games as far as I can remember, Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon looks right!!! It's incredible! They finally got it right!
Story: This games story mode takes players through a new mode called Dragon History, where you can fight in story battles starting from DBZ then moving on to DBGT and even a DB saga at the end! There aren't as many fights in this game as there were in BT2, but this games fights last longer, what I mean by that is when your fighting Frieza before Goku showed up you fought him like 10 to 15 times! In BT3 it only takes up 1 fight and you get all of the content from all of those fights, and if the bad guy is supposed to win, you will play as them instead of the Z-fighters. But the story is still a bit short.
Controls: Your are going to want to play this game with the wii remote and nun chuck because the super and ultimate attacks that you can use are tied in with the motion controls! If your playing as Goku and want to fire off a kamehameha all you have to do is hold down the left d-pad button and act as though you were using the energy wave its that simple! So anyway, the A button lets you punch, the B button fires off energy blasts, the 1 button lets you transform, pressing A and B together lets you block, and a shake of the nun chuck lets you preform a dragon dash! There are many other attacks you can use but those are the main ones. The only problem I had with the controls was when I wanted to fire off a kamehameha, I would use the Dragon Dash instead so be careful!
Gameplay: The main part of any game! This game is fast-paced and is very fun to play! The combat system works amazingly well as you send your enemies flying off in the distance flying through rocks and causing them to shatter. I have never seen the frame rate slow down at all so the game is really fun to play! I keep on coming back to it due to the over the top action! However, I did notice a few problems. One, the online mode wasn't very fun at all to me and there was quite a bit of lag when I was playing, so if you want to play with a friend in split screen, the game slows down a bit but not that much you also lose some of your vision so be careful! Another thing was that certain characters like SSJ2 Teen Gohan, Kid Buu, ext, were a whole lot stronger that the other characters and they are really cheap to so watch out for that.
Conclusion: DBZBT3 is a quick and fun DBZ game and it does not disappoint. The only problems I found were online was disappointing, the controls can be somewhat hard to get used to, and some characters were too strong and cheap to play against. But the positives hight out weight the negatives so if your a DBZ fan and are looking for a fun game then check this one out, if you liked BT2 then I grantee you won't be disappointed!