ITS the best DBZ game on earth !! an instant must buy for any dbz fan !

User Rating: 10 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 PS2
Its the best Dbz game on earth ! and secondly its the best cartoonish dueling game on earth !!
Gameplay 9.8
Its fun as hell ! those super moves or kamehamehas are extremely pleasing especially when you're pi**ing off your friends with that !!

You can play various types of modes and you can also customize your character it has the best roster in the BT tenkaichi series it includes GT series and the super moves are all prefect and visually stunning

I've barely experienced any slowdowns
Story 7.0
Well Dbz doesn't need a story to be awesome

the game is divided into sagas it starts from saiyan saga and ends with GT saga and trust me pan is less annoying this time around !! there are no story cutscenes though just on screen text and in-game small story cutscenes

Multi-player 9.0
Online or not fun is guaranteed !

bottom line :-

This game is a must buy for any fighting game fan ! its fun and addictive as hell replay value is also there you can unlock stuff like new characters and bios etc