This game disapointed me so much i have no words to describe it. DONT BUY THIS GAME, NEVER EVER EVEN THINK OF BUY
I bought Tenkaichi through the internet, and then, 2 days after the invitation it got to me..
i was so exited to play the game...
So.. took it out of the box, into the ps2 and go...
First there was the movie.. the movie IS cool, but thats about the only thing cool here.
it took me like, idk, 6 hours to finish the game and 3 more to get all the things.
its so godam shorttttttt... i was having flashbacks from budokai 1..
the creators must understand that its not about how many charecters there are, its about the quality of the game, the options and the combos availble in the game.
6.3 is my rank to the game, because those 6 hours that took me to finish this game were kinda fun..
i heard the next game includes about 120 chars..
what does it matter if they are all the same =?