A beat desapoiting dragonballz budokai 3 is betar !!!

User Rating: 7.3 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi PS2
I am disapoiding of this dragonballz the onli thing I like abawt it is the 3d arena and the flight and new caractars.The one thing I fawnd veri cool is the flight you can go on er under water, one mor thing I like is that you can distroi the bilding cars thres and meni oder.Dragonballz budokai tenkaichi is like the farst dragonballz budokai it shows the move avter you defet yor oponet.A disapoiting thing is that you can't transform in a super sayan in the fight you have to select the super sayan separatli. And one mor thing that is disapoiting is that thei thake awt the cool evects from budokai 3 like wen you meke a big blast it shows you the blast from the spase bicose it so big :((((((((. disapotinf but eniwy I'm a veri veri veri veri ............. veri big fan of dragonballz so I liked but dbz budokai 3 is betar onli the flight is meseng from the game. I WANT BUTOKAI TENKAICHI 2 PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ plz plz plz
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz I dedant have so moch fuun wit this game I hopme you have more fun den me :))