Budokai Tenkaichi is the next generation of the Budokai series with a whole new fighting system but is it worth enough?
the main mode in the game Z battle gate which is the story mode that let you fight over 150 battles from Sayan saga through kid buu saga in addition to some "what if" and DBGT battles which make this mode a little bit more interesting and after every battle you will get a potara earing (formerly the capsules) and they can help you upgrade your characters although you can't edit your character like in the previous games...
The next mode is is the ultimate battle there you can fight 100 battles and each battle you win you'll get potara earings (i have to say this mode is pretty lame and boring since nothing you get over there) next one is the lovely World Tournament it's exactly like in the previous games but now you don't get money when you win (actually there's no money in the game) After you win you'll get potara earrings (i prefer the money to buy new skills it's funnier)
Of course you have also the dual Battle. Evolution Z is the "set your skills" of the previous games you can fuse your potara earrings that you got to create a 'new' potara earrings like fused characters (Vegeto etc).
The Interesting feature of the game is the Battle itself which is not like the previous games but a whole new system of fighting which is now a Fighting from a first person view. This will be very interesting for veteran players but it's actually the same combat like before.
The good: Fantastic gameplay and story mode, over 50 character, huge maps and graphic and same voices of the series both in Japanese and English.
The bad: annoying camera the transformed character and the orginal characters are intend to be different characters and it's pretty lame(the afford to do transformation in the battle was better). The game is pretty empty and unexciting...