Well wadda you know, they got it right!
The game play style in this game is totally different to the previous 3, but once you get the hang of it it really works well. You have a huge amount of freedom to fight the way you want to. You can get up close and personal with your opponent and batter them around like a squash ball, or you can take to ranged combat and let loose with your ki attacks, basically you can do whatever Goku and the others could do in the show!
Some of the flash that went with the ki attacks, especially the ultimates, has been lost in the translation, but i feel this actually benefits the game. Rather than feeling like your playing a game of rock, paper, scissors, you actually feel like there is a lot more skill invoved, like your actually in control of the fight from the moment the bell rings till the moment your opponent goes down.
The arenas themselves are large and detailed, and you cant beat the satisfaction you will feel when you bury your opponent in a mountain and finish it of with a super kamehameha! I do feel though that the invisible wall barrier running round the arena can ristrict the fight a little, especially when you get trapped between it and your opponent. The camera tends to get a little confused in moments like this but apart from that i have yet to encounter any major camera flaws.
The story mode, Z Battle Gate, works really well and even includes some "what if" story lines to keep you playing that bit longer. You dont seem to get to much explanation of the story though, so those of you unfamiliar with the DBZ story could get a bit lost in whats meant to be happening. For those of you that do however, it follows the story right down to the specifics of the fights, so you will feel like your playing your way through the show itself!
The music and sound effects are okay, most of it is recycled from the previous games, although the voice acting is all new and very well done. I have noticed a few moments where some ki blast sound effects go missing or sound effects carry on after a rush attack, but again nothing serious.
Overall i would say that this game is an awesome fan service, capturing the essence of Dragonball Z perfectly, and will also be a great experience for people unfamiliar with the world of DBZ who are just looking for something fun and different to play. Great job Spike!