Ideas for future DBZ fighting games...
First and foremost, how about the possibility of one character fighting up to four (or maybe even more) at the same time during a game? The DBZ series has had several fights that consisted of three or four characters trying to beat up another character (and sometimes failing), and given this new flying and targeting system (which still needs a little tweaking), I don't see why this idea should be so far-fetched.
I have to say that I agree with the fact that a person should be able to choose what transformation a character should start in... However, why take away from the in-game transformations? These transformations were sometimes the heart and soul of the DBZ series, displaying an emotional climax with screaming that would even give the Son of Sam goose bumps. So why take away from this powerful aspect? Why not just combine both options?
Speaking of taking a powerful aspect of away... Why were the character ultimate specials (for example: the 10x Kamehameha for SSJ4 Gogeta) made to be less dramatic? If anything, I would have assumed that the producers of this game would build upon what DBZ Budokai 3 had done with these specials, because I think that was heading in the right direction. I enjoyed seeing an entire blast of energy shoot out into space if I shot at my airborne opponent, and I especially appreciated the destruction of the level thereafter.
I think that this game should have expanded on this and made it even more dramatic and accurate (the destruction of a level depending on the particular direction of the blast). This game does do a really nice job with level destruction other than this though, and of course this should be expanded upon in future DBZ games. Perhaps some more destruction for blasts that hit the ground, or maybe even explosions and pot holes created in the ground when a powerful character charges up there. Blow more stuff up, damn it!
Fighting in general is... Not bad. All in all, I would like to see more combo-based attacks, especially combos of airborne opponents, and variations of physical attacks in general (make a more familiar fighting system comparable to Virtual Fighter or a game of that sort). I'd also like to see more variation on Ki-Attacks, although I think they did a nice job this time around. I know what you're thinking... "There's no way to allocate these numerous controls to the comparably sparse number of buttons on the controller." I think there are a couple ways, but this should be saved for another point in time. (On a side note: Why wasn't the right analog stick put into use?).
FINALLY, throw Uub and Shenron back into the game, as well as more characters from the DBZ series and its movies, and expand the modes of the game, and I think this could be the best damn game in the fighting genre.
Looks like a lot to add, huh? It sure as hell is, and yet I still somehow feel that DBZ BT is not too far off the mark. And, given the new releases of the next gens, maybe all of this is even more probable than you might think.
Oh and by the way, can we have new music the next time around?