Above Average, But needs a lot of Improvement...
The gameplay in this game is somewhat basic, lacking variations between most characters, as many of the attacks look the same between a lot of the characters. For example, Super Saiyan Goku's High Power Rush looks exactly the same as Nappas High Power Rush. However the game does allow you to fly around the area in full 360. and the action can be fast paced, if you're a master at this game (which I am). The destructible enviroments add to this game, which means you can send your opponent flying into a piller or a building and they'll fly straight through it. Story mode (known as Z battle gate) takes you through the entire DBZ story (well most of it anyway, missing a few bits though) staring from the beginning of the saiyan saga to the end of Super 17 (it's a shame they didn't include Omega Shenron). Every battle has it's own requirement, such as staying alive until time runs out or defeating your opponent in the set time. The battles in Z battle Gate have their own little cutscene, then the battle will begin. Ultimate Battle is a ladder type game where you basically fight an array of DBZ Characters, you start of at 100 and your aim is to get to number 1, by defeating all the other DBZ characters, one at a time. World Tournament is simply a tournament where if you win you get prizes (Z items). For gameplay I rated this game 7 out of 10
This is where the game starts to fall apart, I would have rather had the graphics from Budokai 3, than the ones used in this game. The characters have been made like they were meant to be robots, as if they spent half an hour doing the graphics, however not all this is bad, the auras were done quite nicely, and the cell shading was taken a step up. For graphics i rated this game 7 out of 10
The voiceovers in this game were done quite nicely, although some voices were hard to hear, one of them were Android 19s vioce, which was almost completely drowned out by the music and sound effects. It was nice to the japanese voiceovers for the first time, it's been a while seen I heard the voiceovers in japanese. The music in this game is the same soundtrack used in the past DBZ games, which is kind of old, to be honest. For sound I rated 7 out of 10 for this game.
This game is strictly for DBZ Fans only, but even so i suggest you rent his game before buying it. This game lasted me around 4 weeks, I then started making my own battles in Duelling for fun. For non DBZ fans, I suggest buying Tenkaichi 2 instead of this game.
Overall I rated this game 7 out of 10