If Budokai 3 was the best DBZ fighting game you've ever played, you might want to stay with it.

User Rating: 6.2 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi PS2
Ok, let's get to the nitty gritty. First and foremost. One of the main things liked about Bodukai 3 was the cinema style combat, transformations, and tactics needed to play. Now, don't get me wrong. You will need tactics in order to play Tenkaichi. But lost are the cinema style combat and transformations.

Dragon Ball Z Bodokai: Tenkaichi is a full 3D fighting game that allows you to take the fight into the air whenever you desire. Move in all directions, hide behind mountains, do whatever they do in the show.

The Pros.
- GREAT graphics.
- HUGE host of characters with correct moves.

The Cons.
- Camera get caught sometimes, making it hard to see or fight.
- Barriers make fighting arena small.
- Focused to much on "SPECIAL" moves.
- Once again the same episode remixs.

Tenkaichi also comes with a story mode. Which, like ALL other story modes for DBZ games, shows Saiyan, Frieza, Namek, Ginyu, Andriod, Cell, Cell Games, Buu, Tournament, sagas... you get the idea. However, at least they put a few new storylines into it. Speaking of the storylines, the way that Bodokai 1 played it out, you really didn't have to watch the show in order to understand the game. Where, in this game, I found myself going.. er...huh? And seeing that I've watched DBZ since the 80s (japanese versions), there's something wrong. Just like everyone else, I will answer the questions:

"Is this game better then Bodokai 3"

Sorry, but I have to give the same answer as everyone else. That answer depends on you. To be honest, I like a few parts of the game. But to me, I pretty just about everything that Budokai 3 had to offer INCLUDE the character edit. Tenkaichi's character edit is CRAP!!! Not really worth it, You can't changed the moves. And I'm sure you know already that you can't even transform. They make it so you choose from the beginning. I use to love beating the Super Saiyan out of people. But no more. So, The choice is yours, ill stick with Budokai 3. Here's hoping that Tenkaichi 2 or Budokai 4 will be better.