Captures the feel of DBZ, but not an excellent game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi PS2
Graphics: The opening cutscene look terrific, too bad it's the only one. The enviroment and characters look good, but there's better cel shading out there. Lag happens every now and then. Enviroments are destrctible and characters can get damge on their bodies from battle.

Sound: The main reason for the high score is the inclusion of both U.S. and Japanese voices, but only the U.S. music stays. Screaming, yells, and corny dialogue is all you'll hear from the characters. The music in the stage gets repetitive as well.

Gameplay: A DBZ simulator, so bad for beginners, be sure to go to the training section, which although shows how to do the more advanced stuff, doesn't allow you to try it at the same time, though there's another mode. The main problems with combat are the camera, it sometimes goes behind the enviroment, hampering your vision, and that super moves are the only means of winning. Martial arts take forever to get good damage. Also some skills are useless due to this. There's tons of characters, but of them have transformations and fusions which you can't do in game, leading to some severe fighters way too strong. Also evolution Z replaces the whole skills in Budokai 3 with upgrading your stats, everything can be upgraded, and the over powerful characters have less slots to get stronger, somewhat evening things up. There's a multiplayer split screen mode, this is good because there's no "Search the damn world to find your character" your side of the screen shows the character like the single player. Z battle mode is story mode, with the entire Z saga, half the movies, and half of GT. Also specials are awesome, but too many characters have the same thing, and it's not just kamehamehas. In the end it's a good game anyway you take it, with a bonus for DBZ fans. It'll take hours to master every control you can use, but in the end it's worth it somewhat.