This is my first review and it is about DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi. Enjoy.

User Rating: 5 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi PS2
This is the first review I have ever written so I am going to be honest, I played all three of the DBZ’s and then this recent one, I was hoping for a lot, but seemed to be disappointed. The graphics were not that great, the flight was no more then hovering, yes you could fly up at will and move around in the air, but to be honest it was not all that special, the energy attacks were dumbed down quiet a bit, aside from a few energy attacks, aside from the trade mark Ki blasts, yea all the main chars had there own attacks like in the series but they did not look all that different, and it seemed like they took out a few Ki blasts as well. Yes they added a few more characters but not that much, they took out being able to go super sayin (Note: It is spelled so many different ways that I forgot how it should be spelled, sorry) instead to fill up the character list, each transformed state is considered a char of it’s own, not to mention they removed piccolo’s Nail and Kami fusion which made a big difference in the other games I think, and they seemed to of added all the bad guys from GT, but they did not put pan in, I know no one wants her but come on they put freaking Master Roshi in it and choutzo (another note: Sorry not sure how to spell his name) so why not pan she was like the only different char in GT. Now I am not saying the game sucked, trust me I have played some bad DBZ games, but this one was not all that good, Dibs was better then Spike, but maybe Spike will do another one, and it will be better, I mean Dips did, though after figuring out that the Budokai series and this new one were not the same, it made sense.

Ok the music was no better nor was it worse then the other three. The controls were easier, but seemed to be a little to easy, they compressed punch and kick into one button and made the physical attacks look the same more or less, they kept the energy blast button the same, but if you want to use a special you have to more or less hit the L2 button at the same time as the triangle, block is simple, just block no tap dodging (Note: If you played three, that is where you tapped block and they would stay in one place and move there upper body in order to dodge the hit), the flight controls are simple R1 up R2 down, move around with the direction button or the analog stick in air or ground moving is the same, same with water.

Fighting is easy if you figure out the trick, hold down the Ki charging button and press the energy attack button and you will do an energy attack, knock the opponent down then you have time to charge up and blast him again by the time he gets up, pretty simple huh? (Note: Way to simple but) the bad thing doing it any other way is no more fun, unless you read this before playing … well, you will get the idea.

Ok the cut scenes …. Well, there were not any really … depends on what your idea is so I wont go into it.

All in all, it is not the best fighting game, but it is not the worse either, try you may or may not like it, but I would rent it before buying it, takes about a day or two to unlock most of it, then it just gets redundant … oh if I did not mention before the arena is actually pretty cool and that gets a 9.

Hope you all like my first review and it was not to boring, thanks for reading it.
Ps. My e-mail is if you want to get a hold of me.