This is not perfect, but boy that doesnt mean that its not jolly old fun.
"Ehh what" you say?
Well, there isnt really a simple answer to this, so Ill run the numbers for you;
Whereas B3 was rammed with perfectly thight controlls, awesome special moves and ottp special effects, BT gives you full 3d flight, more tactical depth and ultimately more "loose" controlls.
The controlls are the first main problem with BT, being both initally confusing and not precise enough. Still, they allow you to move swiftly around your adversaries and beam blast them in the back.
The controlls also allow you to "cheat" by repeatedly stomach punching your adverasry (and thus paralysing them) only to punch them twice and stomach punch them again, winning the fight without any resistance.
The computer is especially good at this.
The ability to move in 3d allows a greater tactical deepth than b3, by hiding underwater or behind a cliff as your enemy fires his blasts, or you build up your KI. But this 3d, also comes at the cost of reducing the shear joy of face to face plummeting. Its well known that 2d (or pseudo 3d) beat-em-up's have tighter controlls and faster pace than most 3d games, and BT is no exeption.
The whole game feels somewhat slowed down, and with the completely refined combat/dodge dynamics, this is a whole new game.
The only thing this game has in common with b3, is the budokai name. (and the dbz setting, duh...) and if you go into it expecting it to be b3 -with uprgrades! you'll be disapointed, the combat is mainly unbalanced too, with supersayan 4 Gogeta being the strongest character in the game by far, without Omega Shenron to match him, he's just to strong.
Also, wheras you upgraded your power level in-game in B3, (starting in normal form, then ascending to super sayan etc) in BT you choose this form at the begining. I know many people will prefer the B3 dynamics of powering up, or beating your adversary out of power-uped status, but I prefer the BT system of choosing your form in advance.
Other problems with BT is the way beams are handelled, most beams can be easily dodged by either sidestepping or pressing the "dodge" button at the right time. (which varries from beam to beam.)
And while some beams are lifted right from the show, others are stupidly handelled, like Goku's legendary Spirit Bomb that can be thrown in half a second which any fan of the show knows is just wrong.
And the levels?
Well, they are 3d, but they are not particulary large.
You can fight in the air, on the ground or under water, but the limits of each stage make you feel very confined as you most often find yourself near the rainbow-like wall that surounds the level, and cuts of the play-area from the background.
Buildings, trees and cliffs can be broken, but compared to the fully destructible environments in B3, it all feels a little to simple.
This is a messy review, and its time to end it with a mesy conclution:
Is BT better than B3?
Well, it has more character, more advanced fight dynamics and full on 3d, (which is the coolest thing ever) but B3 has great fighting, balanced gameplay and more impressive graphics.
I guess this means the two games are more equal than one being better than the other.
So, which game do you get?
Rent both, then buy the one you prefer. What it all comes down to is individual prefference. I have them both, and I love them both.
But in the end, you might hate BT for its shortcommings, or loath B3 for its "pseudo 3d" but thats the great thing about living in a free society.
I give up trying to tell you what is better, but I will leave you to make up your own mind. Or you can wait for SuperDbz and Tenkaichi 2 instead.
If you havent got a dbz game, or istn hooked yet here is a piece of advice: DO NOT GET INVOLVED!
DBZ will suck your life away, its that cool.
Catch you later, and Kamehameha to ya all.