A decent game for DBZ fans. But not enough to hold people who aren't attracted to the t.v series.
User Rating: 6.4 | Dragon Ball Z: Budokai PS2
Well, well, well. It seems like a very long time since i have played this game. I mean, i play the third installment all the time, i recently sold it to make cash. (Not the third game, but the first dbz). Well what should i start off with. Well, let me start with the graphics of this game. I have seen some better fighting game graphics, these aren't atrocious, but they aren't spectacular like maybe Virtua Fighter 4 or Dead or Alive 3. But compared to games like that, these graphics are pitiful, i mean, we can see better things from Atari. But yeah, the graphics really aren't all that great. Ok, next subject gameplay. I really thought the gamplay was good at first, then i started to play it more and discover subtle differences in the fighting style of the game. Like ok, if you wanted to pull off a move such as Kamehamehameha, you would have to push in Punch 4 times then E (circle) in order for you to do the attack. And let me tell you, it was FRUSTRATING. I mean, what idiot made it like that. Well, the gameplay variety wasn't all that swell either. All the moves are basically the same except with different names on them. Like Goku and Frieza can be fighting and I use a move, and then Frieza uses one, and they are both the same. I mean, there may be some un-noticeable changes like Frieza might blast you with more energy blasts than Goku, but you get the jest. Ok, next subject, Audio. Well, I am a fan of the dbz series all the way, and the audio for the series is incredible. The audio for the game however, not so much. I mean, it's real nice to see the voices from the series do the voices in the game. Because trust me, if i hear Goku talkin like Krillin, or somethin, i ain't playin it no more. But somethin that bothered me, and it still bothers me to this day. Why exactly is it when you're playing with cell and we all know how annoying the voice of his first form is, why does the voice stay the same, even though he has transformed. It really is annoying and that's a novice mistake right there. Because, first form, he sounds like a trash talker that can't back up his stuff, which he can. Second form, he sounds like a muscle head with no intelligence what-so-ever, which he does. Then last, third form, he sounds a lot more intelligent and dangerous than the previous forms. Yet he still has the annoying first form voice, i never understood that. Anyways, let me move on. Value, well, it's a good deal for beginners with arthritis maybe. But for us gamers, that are used to excellent gmes such as DOA and VF, this game just doesn't stack up. Overall, mediocre game with mediocre everything, try to avoid if possible, if you just HAVE to buy it, go ahead, more power to you.