Slightly unresponsive controls, mediocre graphics and irratating cutscenes make this game a disgrace to DBZ!
The main aspect of any game, is ofcourse, gameplay. Dragon Ball Z doesnt just follow the basic of any beat 'em up game, it actually lowers the bar! The unresponsive controls and three-attack buttons (one punch, one kick and one Ki, rather then the good 2 punch and 2 kick buttons) are the main reason. Ki attacks could have worked alot better if, firstly, you didnt have to sit through a cutscene that would ultimately lead to an inconsitent location, and secondly, if they were activated by combies consisting of more then the simple square and triangle buttons.
Graphics: 7/10
Not bad, but not great. This game didnt lack much here, but could have been improved. It was rather chunky and sometimes you will find your self hitting thin air and hurthing the opponent.
Sound: 5/10
Bad sound and bad graphics = a bad game! The annoying japanese voice overs and bad background music is the reason this got such a low score, with the exception of some occasional good battle music. Good, not great.
Overall: 5.3
The replay value on this game is very shallow, as the simple loading times for both 2 player and single are just to much to bear. I cant stress enough how flawed and pointless this game was!