Dragonball Z Burst Limit for the PS3 is probably the best Dragonball Z game that has ever come out so far, so go get it.
This quite a good game, and is probably the best Dragonball Z game that has come out ever. The graphics are smooth and the gameplay is a lot more funner then the rest of the past games that have come out for the previous systems. One thing that seperates this Dragonball game from the rest is that there is actual CUTSCENES in story mode instead of the crappy filler stuff that they have in the other games. So all in all, this game is really fun and for all those Dragonball Z fans they should get this game. Graphics: Graphics are good and have that cell shaded feel to it. They look smooth and clean are a fun sight to look at and is a good turn for the Dragonball Z series Gameplay: Gameplay is really smooth, and is A LOT more fun then the other games, so you're not always doing special moves and powering up over and over, now there actually is a combat system that is fun
So all in all, this game is a game that all PS3 owners should get.