This is easily the best looking Dragon ball Z game to date however it lacks slightly in terms of replay ability.
User Rating: 8 | Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit X360
This game is everything i hoped for and more. Its graphics are amazing and provide truly epic battles. The controls are quite easy and move execution is also easy. Whether it's a bad thing or not that your energy for super attacks is essentially infinite is up to you. For those who don't know the ki regenerates on its own now and super attacks don't use ki but ultimate attacks do. In addition to all of that the options for replay ability are the main campaign, the trial mode area and the VS mode which is online now . This Dragon Ball Z game is second only to Dragon ball Z Budokai 3.
It's like this (look below)
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 1 = bad Budokai 2 = better budokai 3 = really good
The series got better ratings each time up to 8.4
Tenkaichi on the other hand starting at 7.0 and got worse from there
I believe the burst limit series will get better each time.
(As long as the developers do their job well)