Reminds me of the Budokai series; a fantastic 3D 2D fighter.

User Rating: 8 | Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit X360
This game lacked the characters and story of Budokai Tenkiachi 2 and 3, but the fantastic graphics that truly do blur the line between the animation of the video game and the anime barely make up for the lack of story and characters. Since the game lacks different in-battle goals, and all the characters and meaty story of tenkiachi 2 and 3, I give it an 8 out of 10. This game is a game that, unless you are a true fan or want to fight more of your friends in the future without re-renting it, I recomend renting. Though I bought it, this game was also definately on the short side. I'd like to see the rest of the story and characters, along with more in-battle goals and multiplayer fighting modes such as tag team, 2 players vs. 2 players, and 5 fighters v. 5 fighters. Hopefully their next game will make the line of animation difference between the anime and the game truly disappear. My expectations for the sequal are high.