Great graphics and sound, but that's all.
Story: Almost as if 4kids got the rights to editing the story, I mean c'mon it's rated "T" for christs sakes there's hardly any blood and let me remind you this is a Dragonball Z game on the XBOX360! For example when Piccolo sacrifices himself to save Kid Gohan from Nappa, you'd expect to see some form of damage I mean he just took a destructive blast head-on but he somehow ends up unmarked, even his clothes were in perfect condition. Speaking of story mode, the story has been cut to ribbons, most of it made no sence at all.
Sound: Sound is good, English voice acting not so good the sound effects fit in with the fighting perfecly though.
Graphics: Possibly the best part of the game, they look as if they came directly out of the anime in HD format.
Gameplay: The gameplay is very hard to describe, it's really nothing new, except for Drama pieces. The fighting isn't that great afterall you can just "Heavy Smash" your way to victory.
Overall: This game is slightly above Mediocore, with it's cheap fighting system and horrible story.