Burst Limit promises to be a solid and worthy title to 360 owners and fans of the DBZ videogame series alike.

User Rating: 8 | Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit X360
Burst Limit is the first Dragonball Z game to hit the next-gen consoles, and it proves to be a worthy experience for the Xbox 360.

The first good thing one may notice from the game is the graphics. Burst Limit still has the same 'anime' style graphics from it's prequels, but it has improved dramatically. The energy beams look incredibly sharp and the character textures is also amazing. The sound is quite impressive, and the voice acting is pretty decent at most. But the explosions and sound effects seem to leave a good impression on the game.

The graphics may prove to be a good factor, but the main improvement in this game is the gameplay. The battle system is unique and stands out from the other DBZ games. It's easy controls, fast-paced action and advancing attacks gives the game a worthy status. Every character has his own definitive way of fighting and brilliant finishing moves. Each and every character differs from one and other by means of countless techniques and styles. Although there are very few chracters in the game, each character's depth is very immense. The online mode is quite smooth, but it may be a bit laggy from time to time that may harm the game's potential. Another great addition are the drama pieces, which are mild cutscenes that cut in between fights and add a storyline twist to the match.

The story mode travels from the very beginning of the DragonBall Z saga till the very end. Interesting cut-scenes shape up the Dragonball Z story decently throughout the game and gives a thorough idea of the major story of the whole Dragonball Z saga. One minor problem is that it is quite short, but it guarantees one it wanting to play again and again in harder difficulties.

-Amazing gameplay that stands off from it's predecessors
-Graphics are extremely impressive
-Each character consists of completely unique fighting styles

-Quite short Story mode
-Online games tend to be laggy once in a while
-Few number of characters

This game is an altogether a decent try-out for all 360 owners and a must have for fans of the Dragonball Z games. It does have it's flaws, but those are exteremely minor in making one notice the potential that Dragonball Z: Burst Limit actually is.