Good game. Not as good as the last though.
Simple. Its almost the same as it was in the last game. You press the L button to switch around between attacks then press A to use them. Easy. They also added a block in this but you'll never use it.
The graphics are nice. The sprites look good and all the energy blasts and such look quite good. Although the enemys can get a little boing sometimes. They are mostly just re-colored stronger versions of he same thing again and again.
the game sounds good. You know theres all sorts of different sounds iike in normal games.... but this one sounds like DBZ. Which is good. So you've got the cool music and the neet wave sounds from the energy blasts. They work good together. Good and simple. But affective.
Now you may read reviews and things about this and they say that it is WAY too easy. This is kind of true. If you decide to level up your characters stats. When I played through the first time I had no clue that you were supposed to upgrade your character let alone how. So all the power upgrades I got came from my equipment (yeah that added that too. Just find stuff and put it on to raise your stats) It makes the game hard as nails trust me. But its a lot more fun than breazing through it easily.
Sorry this is so short but theres not much to say about this game.