the time you will take to complete it will probably if you are quick to learn the basics will probably take under 10 hours but if you want to get gogeta it will take a bit longer.the basics are easy just use the dpad to move if you are super saiyen you gain extra speed.the learning curve if you are faimialler with log2 you will rock at it!each chararchtar has a new abbilalty e.g.goku instatnt dbz buu's fury you get new charachters goten and trunks which later in the game you can fuse into gotenks.there are twelve chapters[ you can only play 11].to get gogeta collect all hercule and z fighter ehxibits.this really is a good game.
Other Helpful Reviews for Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury
The first one stuck up the joint, the second blew the first away, and now the third beats the crap out of both. This is best DBZ game I've ever played and the first DBZ game I pulled almost an all nighter on x10!! What h... Read Full Review
DBZ Buu's Fury is a very fun game. I’m a big DBZ fan, so I couldn’t resist! This game has graphics that are a little better (or the same, I can’t tell!) of the second game. It has better moves, a great story, and an i... Read Full Review