Try to avoid playing this at all costs and if you have to play it I feel bad for you.

User Rating: 4.6 | Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury GBA
Why do they keep making Dragonball Z games? Except for maybe for a few they are all croud. This game is apart of that croud. Dragon Ball Z Buu's Fury follows the Buu saga in the Dragon Ball Z series. The thing is that this sounds like an interesting to baise a game on and I think it does too but how they did it is just bad. The sound, graphics, and basically everything in this game is bad but the gameplay is ok. You really don't want to play this game trust me.
The gameplay in this game is good. The controls are easy to learn and work really well for the game. The sort of hard thing to learn how to do is learn how to do your special moves but they become easy once you master them. This is about it that is good about the gameplay. The enemys in the game are not that powerful and are not that smart. You would think that they could all be a little more powerful then they are. They also realy on the power of numbers so they might kill you with all the enemys they send at you. The gameplay in this game is good but could have been better.
The graphics and the sound in this game are just bad. The main characters in the game look kind of good but all the other characters in the game look really bad. They look like they were just thrown into the game to give some change in the story. The enemys also look really bad. They all look like they were all based on one character model and just changed to a male or female and to look like the enemy type they are. The map you fly around in the game looks atroshis. Their is no detail except somethings they threw in just to mark cities and places they need to go. The graphics in this game are bad. The sound in the game is really bad also. Their seems to be only a few tracks in the game and they are all really bad. This means their is not much variety in the sound so that is bad. The sound and graphics in this game are just bad.
Overall this is a bad game that you don't want to play ever!!!! If you do play this game you should throw this game away before you finish the first hour of playing the game. I beat this game and I felt like I had just played another really bad Dragon Ball Z game.