A pretty fun game that can entertain any DBZ fan.
User Rating: 8.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World PS2
Dragon Ball Z Infinite World is the most recent Dragon Ball Z game to be released. It's not as good as some previous games, but it's still an entertaining game. The game has 4 modes you'll be using which are Dragon Mission, Dragon Duel, Warriors Room, and Fighter's Road. Dragon Mission is the story, which is basically you taking Goku to Icon's and doing either a battle or mini game. Simple enough, to bad it's RIDICULOUSLY difficult even on Very Easy. Dragon Duel is the mode you'll use most because it's you fighting however you want to. Warrior's room is the shop, but you have to buy EVERYTHING, you unlock nothing. I wish I joking. Fighter's Road is the exact same thing as story mode. Gameplay is like Budokai 3 mixed with Shin Budokai, except for Dragon Rush, and transformations are based on fatigue instead of Ki. Graphics are litterally no different than Budokai 3, which were good at the time, but in 2009 (came out in 2008) expectations are higher. Sound is the exact same as Budokai 3 as well, which is still fantastic. Overall it's basically a rehash of Budokai 3, which isn't a bad thing because that's a fan favorite and and any DBZ fan will like this.