There is no worse DBZ game, where did Atari go?
The graphics: Absolutely horrible, Atari didn't even try to push the ps2's limits to their borders. They refused to even do so much as make the powered up ki attacks look like they did in the show.
The storyline: Only as good as the DBZ saga, which is pretty good, but seriously, how many DBZ games have we seen with the same storyline?
The baddies: too easy, I beat Raditz in half a minute, 'nuff said.
The gameplay/controls: clunky and easy to learn, but still really klutzy and hard to use. It's hard to aim the powered up ki blasts if you choose to move it at all. The fighting's really bad, the enemies can gang up on you, which gets really annoying, and you constantly switch characters throughout the game.
Overall, this is a freaking horrible game, I've never seen a worse DBZ game, and I've seen some pretty bad ones.