They took a good idea and totally messed it up.

User Rating: 5.2 | Dragon Ball Z: Sagas XBOX
I waited for a long time to get this game. But when I finally got it for my birthday I was so dissapointed. The game is too easy, the grafix suck, and the fighting is the same thing over and over again. All the characters are pretty much the same and the combat and the enemys are all the same.
Some enemys are harder than others but it is still the same thing over and over again. All of the bosses arent hard at all. They are too easy and when you attack them only a little bit of health. So the battles are just time consuming and boring. This game is very repetitive. You may like it at first but you will hate it after the first five minutes. If they ever make a second game then they better do a better job on it. They need better controls, More combos and abilitys, they need larger enviroments, they need to improve flying and they need to make the enemys harder not just time consuming.