The fluid and fast-paced gameplay makes this a great arcade fighting game!
The first thing I noticed when starting up the game was to my dismay that it was in English. Luckily, the option to run with Japanese voice acting is featured, which in a way saved this game from going straight into the thrashcan (since English dubs tend to be god-awful)
The story is kind of like the future Trunks (after he destroyed the cyborgs) gets copy pasted into the Buu saga, only that it's taking place in the future. Babidi is planning to summon the demon Buu with the energy from participants of the great tournament (launched yet again in the future). Of course, Trunks can not allow this to happen but since he's such a whimp he goes back in time and gets the Z warriors with the time machine (conveniently upgraded with more seats) to help him.
You'll spend most of the game fighting against Dabra, Buu and your own 'clones'. The gameplay is very fluid and the controls are simple enough. There are a lot of combos for each character, and although you probably could get through the game by button-mashing only, you'll soon find yourself with a favorite character and favorite moves.
The graphics are great, effects are well rendered and the characters are extremely well animated. The framerate is around 60+.
This is a must-have for DBZ fans, or anyone who owns a PSP, as I consider it to be one of the best arcade fighting games on a handheld platform, the only negative part I can think of is the unnecessarily complicated skill system and the fact that if you die in a field, you have to start all over again (although you have three lives).