Don't believe Gamespot, they constantly review games lower to look "cool", this game doesn't deserve a "f
User Rating: 8.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road PSP
Like i said, gamespot constantly reviews pretty nice games consistently lower. You can see this from sites like gamerankings or what "they say". This is the case with Another Road. This game provides great addition to what shin budokai offered in terms of some new fighting mechanics and new modes. As with pros there are cons, in this case the story is absolutely horrible. As if the writer was on crack because i tried to pay attention and still couldn't figure it out AND i'm rewatching the entire dbz series for nostalgic purposes. It is a horrible story but still a huge improvement from the last one. The story basically is composed of a billion plot holes to the series and about every random dbz fan favorite character they could cram in at once. Some parts of the game have you fighting like 50 gohans when you are gohan yourself and another gohan is on your team. Things like this are never explained and it disgusts me that they took a good idea for a story and botched it up into crap like this. This only other bad thing was that the characters are still unbalanced and some untouched like Piccolo who is still a GOD in this game as he was in the last, being completely broken.