A greater game than Tenkaichi, brilliant for the psp...if you play it in short bursts

User Rating: 7.8 | Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai PSP
WOW!! This game had been getting dissed by everyone but when I played it I was pleasantly surprised. The graphics are as good as Budokai 2 on ps2 & the less cinematic specials made it seem more realistic & spur of the moment rather than a set piece. But this is no pushover, story is a medium length slightly linear travel you'll clash with goody's & baddys, some fights are quite unfair which makes them fun, but if you complete story you'd only really want to play wirelessly or survivor to challenge yourself & prohaps make your postcard look pretty!!
BUT...I do have to say that the fighters aren't that different & a lot have the same move set, plus you can only transform in one stage not any more...which is a bit of a bum...