The first decent DBZ portable game
The graphics are very nice, almost on the level of Budokai 3, and only falling a hair short. The animation is very fluid, the sound effects and music are right on track.
My main concern he would be the controls, and that above all I was impressed with.. They're very fluid and responsive. The game play is very similar to Budokai 3, with the only real difference being that the super moves are not as cinematic, and because of the way you use them (some of them such as Spirit Bomb require time to charge), it make's the a little more tactical. Yo can't say, use a Spirit Bomb right next to an oppent, or you're likely to get hit, thus interuppting the attack completely while you still loose the KI required for it.
The story mode (Dragon Road) is entertaining with many branching paths in the later chapters, although hardcore DBZ fans will see that even though it general follows the story of the Fusion Reborn movie, it doesn't even nearly follow it exaclty.
Added to this game is a straight up aracade mode which most DBZ fighters lack, if you wanna just go in and fight with no strings attached, a survival mode, and time attack.
Good number of characters all in all, but don't expect 70+ like the Budakai series has seen recently.
I only find 2 down falls to this game, one of which is the load time, which isn't aweful, but is still kind of long. The other downfall being the replay value. You can pretty much unlock everything on 1 play through of the story mode, and the ability to make you own profile card, while cool, will be completly useless to those such as myself who don't have anyone to play multiplayer with.
All in all a very colid PSP game, and the best DBZ portable fighter that I have ever played. Must have for DBZ fans, and a good game to at least rent for fans of fighter's until you can afford Tekken or Mortal Kombay Unchained