DBZ Shin Budokai is a good game, but it has lot's of room for improvement.

User Rating: 6.9 | Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai PSP
Game play: 7/10
The game play of DBZ Shin Budokai doesn't quite live up to the standard set by Budokai 3, but it's still fun nevertheless. I do enjoy playing this game a great deal, however there are a few flaws. The ultimate moves, for example, are now executed in real time, making some useless since they can be so easily dodged. Also, unlike PS2 Budokai series, characters are now limited to 1 transformation per fight. This lowers the fun factor a bit. The fighting engine has also been changed from the PS2 Budokai series. The new engine isn't quite as fluid as it's PS2 counterparts, but it still works.

Graphics: 9/10
I was impressed by the graphics in this game. It's one of the best looking PSP games available. The stages are beautifully done, and the character models look great. With a few small exceptions, such as the characters' mouths not moving when they speak, the graphics are nearly on par with the PS2 Budokai games.

Audio: 9/10
Like the graphics, the audio impressed me. The sound effects, character voices, the music, it's all done excellently.

Overall: 7/10
Overall, it's a pretty good game. However, it's not really worth the $40 it costs. I'd suggest to anyone thinking of getting it, either buy a used copy or wait for a price drop. It does have some flaws. Lack of characters for example. You're unfortunately limited to a handful of characters. This can really cause some repetitive play. One major problem with the game is the fact that you cannot change the difficulty level in Dragon Road (Story) mode. This can make it very difficult for unskilled players. It's a good game, but not great.