Good game; pays its dues to the DBZ series, but a lack of characters and a dull story mode keep this game tethered down.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai PSP
Dragonball Z was a great series while it was still running, and the games were arguabally decent before this one. So, Shin budokai IS a good game, but it's very short. While retaining it's roots that sprouted with the first Budokai, it goes portable. The cell shading in the game is absolutely terrific, so much that you'll actually feel like you're playing the cartoon at one point or another.

The fighting in the game is more or less exactly the same as the previous games, which isn't nessacarily a bad thing, since it was spawned from PS2 and actually came out nicely. The analog stick lets you move around enough to not feel constricted, and all of the face buttons serve a decent purpose, whether it be to shoot Ki, punch, kick, or some sort of combo. Basically, the game has a GREAT control setup, and everything feels pretty natural.

Playing through the game has its rewards; you start out with a handful of characters already unlocked, and by progreessing though the game, you can unlock around 10 more, and many different forms for all of them. The downside to this is that once you've unlocked it all, you'll pretty much be done with the game, and that really only takes about 6 hours to do so. You'll get stuck on some levels, but it will only take a few tries to complete the level, depending on which difficulty you're on.

The good part about this game is that you can set your difficulty level, and by doing so, you choose whether or not it will be:

A. Pretty Easy
B. A challenge
C. A brutal button mashing Challenge
D. Break Your PSP Because you're playing so hard Challenge.'s bitter sweet. Enough difficulties to keep you occupied on one hand, and on the other, you'll be mashing buttons on and other difficulty than easy.

For some reason, Atari decided to through in a "Card Building" system. But it's so pointless that it's not even worth mentioning.
For DBZ fans, I say pick up this game...because it's pretty good. But if you're aren't into DBZ, and you've got enough to do with your PSP already, I say don't even bother. If you're sort of into DBZ, rent it and see what you think after beating it.