better than psps shin budokai..
Way better--
and its challenging and just plain fun!!!
This game and everything about it rocks and its just unbeliveable!!!
Sure the graphics an support characters suck a bit but the story and the game is just a great thing!!!!
the flaws
Difficult in alot of areas
support characters suck the good points of it are
sound story rocks
the selection of characters is good
WAY BETTER THAN PSP's shin budokai!!1 i think at least
This game is goooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 much fun in this game and i loved it!!!
of coure ppl are gonna say this sucks, the same ppl said that saga sucks and sagas is a great game too!! dont belive them cause this game is a must get for anyone !!!!
The story portrays all the characters right..