The best game of Dragon Ball Z series for the Game Boy.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki GBA
Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors is without doubts the best game in Dragon Ball series for Game Boy Advance. I think that if you are a fun of Dragon Ball series you should buy this game. Now about the game on itself: - Sound: the sound is basicly a remake of the game Dragon Ball Z Final for the Sega Saturn, and it's bad. - Graphics: the graphics are great and when you do the special attack appears your characte and it's just awsome. - Gameplay: the gameplay is quite easy when you learn how to play the game. - Leght: this game has 17 characters, all with 3 levels of power, wich is awsome. This game let you play story with 17 characters more 3 series: namek saga, Majin saga and Cyborg saga. It has 7 gameplay mods without the option menu. With this game you will have lots of good times. My finnaly thing about this is that is an awsome game and that you should buy it.