"A wonderful dbz game for the handheld"

User Rating: 8.4 | Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki GBA
Dragonball Z: Supersonic Warriors is by far one of the best dbz games I have ever played. The game offers alot to the common dragonballz fan, and adds a whole new feature of gameplay. The game totals a list of 13 characters, each with their own abilities and techniques. Along with that, each character has its own "IF-Story", which adds alot of fun and actually something new that I have never seen a dbz game have so far. You start off with a list of about 6 characters, and some battlegrounds. The majority of characters are then purchased at the z-store, along with transformations, more complicated modes of fighting(hard,very hard etc.), and an all new museum mode which offers the sounds, music, and effects of the game that you can explore for yourself. Although it was nice to listen to some sound effects here and there, its not something to break your back for. More Characters could have been added too, and the moves and attacks could have been made to look a little more unique. If i had to add something to this game I would have added statistics for each character, making them more unique, and that they could be upgradable. Also upgradable attacks and experience points would be good too. Other than that this game plays out great compared to some other fighters we may have experienced, like taiketsu. I have to give Banpresto credit it looks to me like alot of detail was put into this game, especially the 3-d graphics. This game is definetly capable of a sequel.