This game is the best fighting game on the gameboy advance!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.7 | Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki GBA
I bought this game and let me tell you that this game is the best fighting game on the gameboy advance

Gameplay: You can choose from like 16 players to do the story mode and the combos and special moves are awsome.

Graphics: The graphics are pretty good for a fighting game for the gameboy advance. The players look beautiful but the areas could have been better.

Sound: The sound is the same sound as other dragon ball z titles.

Value: You can play hours and hours trying to be the best in this game. You have a 2 player mode which you can chellenge your friends to a duel.

Reviewer's tilt: Overall this game is an awsome fighting game for the gameboy advance and you should definitely buy this game.