The best DragonBall Z game I've ever played on the GBA.
User Rating: 8.9 | Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki GBA
Dragon Ball Z is an extremely popular anime, in both Japan and in America, and probably everywhere else in the world. Though the DBZ video game franchise has been like a roller coaster. The previous DBZ game for the Game Boy, Taiketsu, was absolutely atrocious. Everything about that game was bad. Then, Atari saves itself by releasing Supersonic Warriors. I was hesitant to buy it at first, because of Taiketsu, but decide to get it anyway. Right then and there, when I had first played it, I knew Taiketsu had nothing on this. Supersonic Warriors had everything Taiketsu didn't. Awesome game play, which actually included a story mode; beautiful graphics; some nice music; and overall a good gaming experience. Supersonic Warriors has a unique character selection, and a neat "tag team" feature. You can choose up to three characters, depending on their level. Some of the characters even have added powers. For example, Majin Buu can regain his health slowly if he is hurt, just like how he regenerated in the anime. Gotenks has a time limit to his fusion, and depending on the level, he will stay fused longer. Goku and Cell can both do Instant Transmission at their max levels. They have even given Android 18 infinite ki, due to the fact that she is an android. Though these may sound like little things, these added extras are sure to bring more fun to the game play. Supersonic Warriors also features a multiplayer mode, in which you can link up to another GBA and see whose boss. This is an all around great fighting game; I recommend it to all Dragon Ball Z fans, and fans of fighting games.