5 words:super, amazing, exellent, buy it

User Rating: 9.1 | Dragon Ball Z: Bukuu Tougeki GBA
DBZ SUPERSONIC WARRIORS????? Out on gba :) yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy every one scream dance......ok realy now dbz supersonic warriors is the best of the best game of dbz games. The graphics are exacly like the dbz films battles, cartoon but once you begin playing the game, you can t stop playing it. The diffiulty is just right, but the only problem: GOKU CAN ONLY GO TO SSJ2 WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at the other side you can play as majin vegeta. Another problem:YOU ONLY HAVE FAT BUU AND MAJIN BUU BIG AND THIN ONE,YOU DON T HAVE KID BUU. but at the other side you see (character liist) that there is c18 and no c17, no no no no no no, there is c17, you can play him in a c18 super attak when you have the last form of c18, c17 create a big beam of energy around him and c18, and if you touch it or (good luck) your in it you ll be .........see??Dbz supersonic warriors iis for ALL listen ALL the dbz fans.NO EXEPTION!