This game is not worth buying but still a good game.
The reason this game is not on my buying list is because its to short for me and wont be a great classic so it will ruin my great collection.The game is good and a great hand to hand/magic combat game.Also the game is a great role playing game but should have givin some of the characters longer and better storyline(like PICCILO well just piccilo).The graphics well..
not the greatest part of the if I do say so my self but the sound of the game did triumph over the first dbz the legacy of goku game and thats something everyone knows only because it was more clear and precise of the drama music based on the television show Dragon Ball Z.Now the value of the game made me look at things from a different perspective of the game because the game was toooo short for me and any other fan.The value left out major parts like being able to train in the hyperbolic time chamber so that sorta shocked me.I liked the game but it was pretty shocking of how short and that the graphics didnt inprove at all and that the game was quite easy from the first one and that the game's learning curve was the well..... about the same amount of time it takes to beat the game.The classification of the game was really disapionting to me and some people may disagree with me but I am going to stick with my pionts.So after all I have said the game should not be on your shelf if your a man of true gaming like teddytime or me or soulja_west.So be sure to rent it first and if your sure you could buy it but you will..maybe regret it.