Hardcore fans won't find ALOT of dissapointment, but others probably shouldn't bother.
User Rating: 5.6 | Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku GBA
Legacy of Goku is a game that takes you through the Sayian Saga, Ginyu Saga, and Frieza Saga. You can fly to get through rivers and such, shoot ki blast, Solar flares, and Kamehamehas. Walk around as Goku going through Raditz, the Other World, Nappa, Vegeta, Recoome, Jeice, Burter, Ginyu, and Final Form Frieza as regular Goku, and the last battle as Super Sayian Goku, and of course annoying animals and robbers and such. Doing tasks, earning points, and leveling up, max 25....*yawn* ...um...OH! RIGHT! OK, so this game's not COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY HORRIBLE, but, still...you may want this game to add to your GBA DBZ timelines, but...well...OK....if your a hardcore fan, rent it first. If not, but LOVE fighting games and adventure games, rent it....if you have no intrest in DBZ, no that much in adventure, but still a little in fighting...DON'T GET IT!!! You'll get bored......