Steer clear of this game. Go buy Tenkaichi 3 or Budokai 3 if you want a good DBZ game.
Tenkaichi 3 is still the best DBZ game in my opinion, and Budokai 3 is also a very good DBZ game too.
Honestly, all they need to do is this......Take Tenkaichi 3's roster and combat system. Take Tenkaichi 2's story mode (or Budokai 1's story mode). Take the custom move sets for standard characters like in Raging Blast 2. Take Ultimate Tenkaichi's graphics, character creation (add nameks and earthlings to it), and hero mode (nothing else from that game) and throw it all into one game. And for extra game modes, obviously have the tournament, and Galaxy mode from Raging blast 2. It would be beyond successful and the developers are to dumb to figure it out.